Saturday, 2 February 2008

I'll never learn

So after the stern talking to I gave myself earlier in the week about weighing myself every day, guess what I did. Go on, guess. Yeah so today's weigh in was 70.6kg. For fucks sake. But I didn't let it deter me, and I picked myself up off the bathroom floor (where I was throwing a major hissy-fit), dusted myself off and went to the gym (via more time in bed with G, cereal, low fat yoghurt, coffee and my book). I got in a good 50 minute work out and it was actually starting to feel easier so I might have to think about raising my resistance levels on the machines.

Then I came home and had my poached eggs on toast and did a couple of loads of laundry. Then G and I decided to go for a walk because it has been a beautiful day here in London. Fricking cold, but lovely. So we went for a long walk along the river and settled in at a pub with a pint of leffe and the papers. Bliss. And I managed to NOT buy a bridal magazine (because I have them all, but still).

So its aubergine and lentil curry for dinner (3 pts). Starving!

The big try on is tomorrow. Results to follow.

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