Thursday, 7 February 2008

Your butt is so much smaller

So I weighed myself yesterday (I know, I know) and I was 71.1 then again today and I was 69.9. So back to my lowest official weight (this time around). Hopefully I can sustain that for the official weigh in tomorrow, and another couple of hundred grams on top wouldn’t go astray either. I only had tomato and basil soup and 7 (or 25g) mini bruschetta that I found in Waitrose. Yummiest ever, they are like tiny little bruschetta with olive oil on them and for 7 or a quarter of the pack its 1.5 points. Brilliant. So I wasn’t overloaded on carbs then wondering while the scale hated me. Will employ that little trick tonight and just have salmon or tuna and veges for dinner so I don’t retain unnecessary water with stupid carbs.

The other good thing that happened the other night was that I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and G came up for a butt-grope and goes ‘woah, your butt is so much smaller’. And he would know. So THAT was nice. He said it seemed higher somehow as if it were more toned and asked if I was doing special butt-reducing exercising. So I’m putting that down to the 15 minute fast uphill walking I’ve been doing on the treadmill. I am definitely going to keep that up even when I can run again because I really do think that makes a difference. I can feel the backs of my legs really burning and I thoroughly hate it so it MUST be good for me.

I’ve been to the gym twice this week and going again tonight. Last night I decided to up my workout to include a 10minute session on the rower at level 7. It actually felt like it was a bit easy though and when I finished that and went on to the bike I felt like I had had a 10 minute break. So tonight I’m going to do it at level 8 and see if that makes a difference. I might also put the bike up to level 11. I won’t touch the cross trainer though as by the end of 15 minutes at level 8 I actually DO want to die and I’m tired and sweaty and almost in a dream-like state, such is my exhaustion.

So my week of not drinking is going well and I’m not even really tempted to have a drink. So good. I have no plans for Friday night which is nice. On Saturday G and I are going to have lunch at a friend of his. She is cooking up a 3 course lunch apparently and we’re bringing the wine so I have been saving points all week for that. It will be nice I’m sure but I hate having to have a miserable week saving points only to use them all up for 1 meal when its not even something I would necessarily choose to have (unless its mince pie and mash – oooh I’d love me some mince pie and mash).

So things are finally moving on the wedding front. Today I have ordered our save the date cards. They are beautiful so really excited – they are called Penley and are from Cardlab. The card is soft ivory and the ribbon colour is biscotti. I briefly flirted with having juniper ribbon but in the end I decided the green wasn’t quite right – a little too dark. Will post a picture when we get the proof. Of course they frigging well ought to be perfect given that they are costing £190 but that’s letter press for you. We have our initial guest list in order and that comes to 190 people (I didn’t even think I KNEW 190 people) so we are ordering 100 save the date cards and will have a few extras left over for the people we inevitably forget.

Our videographer’s dvd still hasn’t shown up which is annoying. Fingers crossed its there tonight. And I have been working on our itinerary for when we go back to NZ on holiday in July so that I know where I’ll be and when to give people like my florist, hair person etc an idea when I can meet them. It is going to be one stressful ‘holiday’ but I’ll feel better once I’ve met people and things are coming together and I can visualise things a lot better. I’m also hoping to find a place that does wedding invitations in NZ because the cost of the ones I want here are frankly CRIMINAL (£350 for 100 invitations, £130 for 100 acceptance cards and £110 for extra information sheets which we will probably need – nearly £600!!! That’s absurd for something that’s going to be thrown away. Oh but so beautiful…)


The fucking dvd is still not here.

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