Wednesday 2 January 2008

And they're off!

Well, that's day 1 under my belt. As predicted it was really easy (all Day 1s for me are - I'm motivated and basically still full and feeling sick from the previous weeks of overindulgence).

I have had 16 point's worth and will save 4. That is what I normally do - eat 16 during the week and save 4 each day so I have some extras to play with in the weekend. I plan to track my food on my notebook rather than online but from time to time I will probably go through my food list and analyse what I have been doing.

So I joined WW online today and have posted on a few threads for fellow bride to bes. Good to know there are others out there. I didn't weigh myself today though as I don't really trust my scale. Instead, I bought a scale on Amazon and its due to arrive at my work address tomorrow. I will weigh in for the first time on Friday and that will be my weigh day. For the purposes of WW, I have put 75kg (11 stone 9) as my start weight. That is a complete guess so I REALLY hope that I have grossly overestimated when I weigh in for the first time on Friday. I'll let you know (or you'll hear the screams...) So basically I have 2 and a half stone to lose. I would like to lose at least a stone before 20 March when I go on holiday. 11 weeks, 1 day.

Right, bed time. No news on the wedding today except I sent an email to the videographer people we will use if we go with having the wedding videoed. Haven't fully decided yet...

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