Tuesday 5 February 2008

Warning: R18

I am getting REALLY fucked off with the fucking scale. Just what the hell is its problem with me anyway? Would it KILL it to show a fucking loss? Would it??

Right, rant over. You may be mistaken for thinking I’m premenstrual and therefore retaining water. I am NOT although at least that would be a proper reason. I have been to the gym 4 times each week for the past 3 weeks and have stayed within my points each week without any binges or anything. I have gone over in my alcohol points (self-imposed) the last 2 weeks but still stayed within my actual points so what the hell? It can’t be a plateau as it’s far too early on in the diet. I MUST be losing weight, surely. So why is the scale not giving me any love? I just NEED to see a lower number. Until I can start fitting in to my ‘skinny’ clothes, I need to be able to see measurable changes on the dang scale. Please scale gods, I IMPLORE you.

Right, on the wedding front I am also annoyed that the videographer guy’s demo dvd still hasn’t come in the mail. I was really hoping I could watch it tonight and feel reassured that the only videographer available in the Hawkes Bay to do my wedding is not in fact a serial killer.

I just can’t catch a break.

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